Female genital carboxytherapy

What is involved

Carboxytherapy is a medical treatment used to oxygenate tissues. It involves administering carbon dioxide (CO2) with a few simple injections. It is performed on an outpatient basis in the surgery and takes around 20 minutes.

How does it work

In the vagina and the vulva, this treatment has a vasodilator effect, facilitating the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells via the blood, and therefore encouraging improved tissue quality.

Female genital carboxytherapy

Who it is for

  • In women going through the menopause or who have vulvo-vaginal atrophy due to other causes, as together with other measure, it can improve not only the hydration of the vaginal area, but also its tone, lubrication and sensitivity.
  • Treatment of unaesthetic or painful scarring from an episiotomy or caesarean.
  • In the comprehensive treatment of other vulvar pathologies.


The results depend on each patient's response, although there is always some improvement. In general, several sessions are needed and their effects are not permanent. The treatment can be repeated, following the specialist's recommendations.

Side effects and contraindications

After the procedure, the treated area may be a little swollen and it is possible you will feel some discomfort. These symptoms are temporary and often disappear without treatment.

As for contraindications, there are not many and most are temporary; each case is also examined first to make sure the treatment is indicated.

What are the advantages of the treatment

Aesthetic gynaecology - Lasting effect (6 to 12 months)

Lasting effect (6 to 12 months).

Aesthetic gynaecology - Improved quality of life and sexual relations

Improved quality of life and sexual relations.

Aesthetic gynaecology - Improvement in symptoms of genital dryness

Improvement in symptoms of genital dryness associated primarily with the menopause or cancer treatments (radiotherapy, chemotherapy).

Aesthetic gynaecology - Multidisciplinary specialist medical team

By having the treatment at Dexeus Mujer, you have a multidisciplinary, specialist medical team on hand to ask about your related concerns. We also have a dedicated unit on sexuality issues.

Aesthetic gynaecology - Medical care in an integrated circuit

We provide medical care in an integrated circuit: diagnoses, treatments, consultations and surgery are performed centrally on the same premises.


Gemma Saladié, aged 53

"I've always had very sensitive skin and when I reached the menopause I started to notice dryness and a stinging sensation around my vulva. I had a culture taken to check if I had a fungal infection or other type of infection, but it was negative. I even went to a dermatologist to see if it was eczema and was prescribed various creams. In the end, a gynaecologist advised me to have a carboxytherapy treatment. I was a bit embarrassed because the injections were in the vaginal area, but it went well. The area feels much more hydrated and the stinging sensation has gone".

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