Having difficulty getting your partner pregnant?
Take the initiative and do a fertility study

Why do it

Infertility affects 15% of couples, and 60% of fertility problems are of male origin.

Male fertility study - Percentages chart

More common than you think

Fertility disorders affect 15% of couples wanting to have children.

Male fertility study - Fertility chart

What is included

  • First visit with an andrologist specialising in fertility to assess your medical history, family history, habits and lifestyle.
  • Complete physical examination of the reproductive system.
  • Semen analysis.
  • Diagnostic and results with the andrologist.

Additional tests: the doctor may consider it necessary to carry out other tests, such as a second semen analysis, or a chromosomal or genetic study. 

When is it advised

  • If you want an initial fertility diagnosis.
  • You want to rule out any difficulties when the time comes to be a father.
  • Your partner is not getting pregnant and you suspect there may be a mutual or male fertility problem.

Why choose us

Reference centre with more than 80 years’ experience

Reference centre in reproduction medicine in Spain with more than 80 years’ experience in the treatment of fertility issues.

Multi-disciplinary medical team and experts in male sexual health

Multi-disciplinary medical team and experts in male sexual health.

Specialist andrology unit and medical care in an integrated circuit

Specialist andrology unit and medical care in an integrated circuit: tests and results in the same clinic and on the same day.

Andrology laboratory equipped with the latest technology

Andrology laboratory equipped with the latest technology.


Andrés, aged 37, Reus (Tarragona)

"After nearly two years of trying to get pregnant naturally, my partner convinced me to have a check-up. I was very reluctant, but her gynaecologist advised it. She was young (32 years) and didn’t have a problem. In the end, it was all much easier than I imagined. On the first visit, they found a varicocele, which is one of the most common causes, and after a very simple operation, we tried again. 20 months later our first child was born. Going to that visit was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made".


Male fertility study - Request a quote

Male fertility study 100 € (1)

(1) Includes: first visit, complete physical examination, semen analysis and diagnostic visit.