Gynaecological care program for women with disabilities

Developing a specialized medical care in gynaecology to improve the assistance for women with disabilities

Women with physical disabilities need a different gynaecological care, either as part of their annual review, or to fulfil their desire to be mother, as well as in the follow-up of their pregnancy, in childbirth care or in surgical interventions.

Gynaecological care program for women with disabilities

What is about

The program “Gynaecological assistance to women with physical disabilities”, of the Dexeus Mujer Foundation consists in developing a specialized medical assistance in the fields of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproduction, which would allow to improve the care of women with neurological disability.

This program is carried out by the Foundation in collaboration with the Institut Guttmann (a hospital which is a reference in the integral rehabilitation of people affected by spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury, or any neurological disability), which consists of:

  • Creating a space of knowledge among professionals of both institutions, with the aim of promoting assistance, research, teaching and training in the gynaecological and obstetrical care of women with neurological disability.
  • Financing the displacement of a specialised gynaecologist to the Institut Guttmann, to visit those women with disabilities, who, because of their personal circumstances or environment, cannot be visited in the rest of the gynaecological centres of the country.
  • With this initiative, the Dexeus Mujer Foundation and Dexeus Mujer are named “Company Friend of the Institute Guttmann”, because of its solidary collaboration and involvement in improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in our country.
Women with Disabilities Care - What is about

How it's done

Dexeus Mujer sends a gynaecologist to the Institut Guttmann to visit those women with neurological disability who, because of their personal circumstances or environment, cannot be visited in the rest of the gynaecological centres of the country (once a week).


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