Dexeus Mujer Press Releases



Dexeus Mujer and IDIBELL are planning to launch a research project to study embryonic development in its early stages through the genetic edition of human embryos. The project will provide essential data to broaden the knowledge of this process, and could contribute to improving the current results of assisted reproduction techniques.


The genital reconstruction Program is part of the social assistance work of Dexeus Mujer Foundation and it is led by Dr Pere Barri Soldevila, who was the first doctor in Spain performing this surgery. Its launch was a pioneering initiative in our country, and it contributed giving this problem visibility, helping many women.


The Reproductive Medicine Service of Dexeus Mujer has been awarded with the Professional Excellence Prize in the category of care team, yearly presented by the Colegio oficial de Médicos of Barcelona (CoMB). This prize is a public recognition to the valuable and high-quality work of professionals of different specialities.
